Friday, May 31, 2013

Twine Wrapping Wine Bottles

OK... So I'm not exactly going to be using twine, it's actually jute... I like jute because it's thicker and it feels stronger and it gives more of an 'unfinished' rustic look.

So the basic directions are this... Start at the bottom and work your way up. I didn't use dots of hot glue, I used lines.

When you do the bottom, you will need to almost glue the entire bottom row down... Do some glue lines every half inch or so.
 As you can see, I glued all the way around the bottom, to give myself a solid base.

You want to just wrap the jute around tight, and continually push it down so it is snug and there is no gaps. I did a line of hot glue (about half an inch long) every 2-3 wraps.
 It was quite easy... And I think the line of glue helped two rows stick, not just one.

Sorry this picture is sideways, but this is where it gets VERY tricky. When you get to where it starts to close up, the jute just wants to slip and slip. You will need to glue CONSTANTLY to keep it from slipping.. and keep pushing down to keep it tight.

 When you get to the top, make sure you glue the entire top row down, so it doesn't slip off.

As you can see, I have some gaps.. They don't look bad.. and I'm sure no one will be looking at it, but they bugged me... So I will use that for the BACK of my decorative wine bottles, or maybe cover it up with a flower!

This was really easier than I thought... but when it starts to angle up, IT SUCKS... so be patient!! And ENJOY! They look awesome when they are done.

Coming soon: decorating wine bottles

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